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Berkshire Encyclopedia of World History

The Berkshire Encyclopedia of World History is the first true encyclopedic reference on world history. It is designed to meet the needs of students, teachers, and scholars who seek to explore -- and understand -- the panorama of our shared history of humans. Anyone who loves history -- including those who are making history today -- will find this work an endless source of fascinating, thought-provoking coverage of events, people, patterns, and processes.

The encyclopedia was developed by an editorial team of over 30 leading scholars and educators, led by William H. McNeill, Jerry H. Bentley, David Christian, David Levinson, J. R. McNeill, Heidi Roupp, and Judith Zinsser. Its 550 articles were written by a team of 330 historians, archaeologists, anthropologists, sociologists, geographers and other experts from around the world.

Unique Features

In-depth coverage of 250,000 years of human existence
Synthesis of knowledge from paleoanthropology, archaeology, geology, and geography
Emphasis on cultural contact and social change over time and place
Comparisons across time and place
Resource for AP World History classes and exam
Extensive coverage of arts, literature, religion, and science
Biographies of 100 leaders who shaped world history
Preface and major articles by senior editor William H. McNeill
"Book-within-a-Book" survey of Foraging, Agrarian, and Modern Eras by editor David Christian


Five volumes; 2,500 pages
550 signed articles by 330 scholars
Overviews of core topics
550 primary text sidebars
500 illustrations and photos
60 original maps; 30 historical maps
Preface and articles by William H. McNeill
Topical outline and comprehensive index

I contributed segments on Julius Caesar, Augustus Caesar and Napoleon Bonaparte.